our services
WiRan Poland | Hardware Design office | since 2002
“We specialize in telemetry, RF/Microwave technology, IoT solutions (LoRa, LoRaWan, NB-IoT and LTE-M), and EMC testing. The current backbone of our venture is threefold. Firstly, with over two decades of experience in this field, we have developed a fast network of international partners, suppliers, and customers, and have the ability to validate product ideas and technical specifications in a very timely manner. Secondly, top-notch measurements equipment and laboratory space here on-premise. We are not dependent too much on subcontractors, which also eliminates risks for our clients. Lastly, our skilled engineers and sales staff. Our low fluctuation is a direct result of our company culture. Here at WiRan you can be your true self, and you will experience self-development, as you work on exciting projects that shape the marketplace in the future to come.“
(Maciej Krol, Founder & CEO of Wiran Sp. z o.o.)
WiRan Poland is a B2B company providing R&D as a Service (electronics) to national and international clients in the sectors space, maritime, railway, industrial and IoT. Our expertise lies in Radio Frequency and Wireless technologies, the development of electronic parts, fast product prototyping, feasibility studies, certifications, EMC testing, just to name a few. Founded in 2002, WiRan Poland is looking back at over 20 years as a HW design office, supporting a diverse and international client base from conception through prototyping to product quality delivery of electronic devices. You can find our design solutions in space (satellite communication modules), mounted around Tricity for citizens (air quality measuring systems), as WiFi solutions on trains, and in form of antenna solutions used by vessels, just to name a few. For more information and use cases of WiRan services please use our contact form.
WiRan is a hardware design office, supporting international clients with comprehensive R&DaaS as far as electronic devices are concerned. What does that mean? We are able to spur your TTM (time to market), by validating your product idea and technical specs – build the POC (proof of concept), iterate the prototype through various testing stages – and finally deliver a market ready product.
We keep you in the information loop throughout the process, ensuring coherent solution delivery. Our engineers will leverage their EMC experience and guarantee that your final product is ready to be marketed.
Radio systems for wireless data transmission are on the rise, as is the whole IoT industry, due to technological advances (like 5G). Also, more and more solutions can be built for use cases in industrial automation as well as home automation solutions, based on long range and low power (i.e. LoRa, LoRaWan, NB-IoT and LTE-M).
WiRan helps integrators to validate, prototype, test, and build their IoT solutions. WiRan Poland has its own suite of IoT products, currently marketed under the trademark SEZO. We are able to add client-specific features to our in-house built solutions.
WiRan offers electrical and EMC testing services, evaluation of parts and devices for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electromagnetic interference (EMI), radio frequency interference (RFI), conductivity and dielectric properties, electrostatic discharge (ESD), insulation resistance, and other electrical characteristics.
WiRan operates its own EMC-testing laboratory in Gdynia, Poland. The radio products tested by WiRan Poland are diverse: short-range devices, devices for mobile land radio, and also maritime shipping solutions.
WiRan Poland operates measurement laboratories in the Tricity metropolitan area. Our WiRan team performs accurate and comprehensive measurement of low and high frequency electronics. Our high-quality measurement equipment enables you to observe and archive signal waveforms.
Our lab infrastructure includes a Faraday cage, climatic chamber, and various other measurement devices. With over 20 years of experience, WiRan engineers in the areas of telemetry and RF technologies ensure the credibility and dependability of the performed measurements.
No company operates in a vacuum. It is therefore not surprising that we at WiRan have been able to forge many collaborations with qualified suppliers, local service providers, agencies and international associations over the years, both nationally, as well as internationally. Below you will find a small overview of the companies, with which we currently work together or with which we have had the pleasure of working in the past. At this point we would like to take the opportunity to thank all those involved for the first-class cooperation over the past years and thank you for the trust you have placed in us. Our clients successes are our successes. For a detailed list of references, please use our contact form => LINK . We are glad to provide you with a detailed list of references as well as our company presentation.
We look forward to your project inquiries and R&D initiatives. Get in touch with WiRan Poland now via => LINK


What makes WiRan Poland so special? Let’s start with the basics – Lab infrastructure. WiRan operates its own test laboratories with sophisticated test equipment, including a Faraday cage and a climatic chamber.
In terms of EMC testing and HW development, WiRan Poland has got you fully covered as well. From testing devices (vector network analyzer, oscilloscopes, digital multimeters & picoamperometers, function generators, rework systems for QFP and BGA components, portable passive Intermodulation) to first-class Hardware Design software. This enables us to spur your R&D project from idea validation up to the first working prototype. In our modern, in-house laboratory we offer EMC measurements, which ensure and optimize the quality of your products.
First-class measurement equipment and laboratory space is kept here on-premise, at WiRan Poland. We are not too dependent on subcontractors, which also eliminates risks for you as our client. WiRan is a B2B company providing “R&D as a Service” to national and international clients in the sectors space, maritime, railway, industrial and IoT.

Today’s increasing fast-paced market place and decreasing product life cycles, makes TTM (Time to Market) an increasingly important KPI to measure. Why is Time to Market so important? The decline of the traditional product life cycle – across many industries – means that replacing a service or product line every two or so years is almost the norm now.
In addition to this, if a business is not quick to introduce a product to the market fast, it risks launching goods or services that have already been introduced by competitors. Time to market (TTM) is one of our strengths here at WiRan. As an R&D as a Service (R&DaaS) provider we are capable of realizing your project from stage 1 (technical specification draft) to stage N (working prototype) in a timely manner. We are experts in RF design with a proven track record of over two decades now. For more details around IoT prototyping and RF design please LINK

When it comes to Electronics Development, the knowledge of embedded systems, circuit design and device prototyping goes hand in hand. WiRan has been an expert in Radio-Frequency design for over 20 years now. We design and produce electronic devices that produce or utilize signals within the radio band, since 2002. For more details please review our company history LINK. WiRan is a comprehensive provider of solutions related to Radio Frequency technology with clients from industries like railway, military, IoT (LoRa, LoRaWan, NB-IoT and LTE-M) as well as space (i.e. European Space Agency).
Even though analog circuit design is no longer of major importance in the development of electronic devices, the knowledge thereof is still beneficial when it comes to electronic devices’ prototyping. WiRan offers signal conditioning, galvanic isolation, analogous isolation (for both high and low frequency signals as well as low-noise DC/DC converters and amplifiers). WiRan is an official representative office of Exova in Poland. WiRan also offers trainings in Poland in the field of PIM (Passive Intermodulation), as well as Wave propagation trainings for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) pilots. For training and workshop inquiries related to Passive Intermodulation and Wave propagation for UAV pilots please visit WiRan Trainings LINK
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AS - antenna
DS - diplexer
SS - splitter
CS - coupler
AX - antenna
DX - diplexer
CX - coupler
SL - splitter
CL - coupler